PBM8 500 MKII Fault Solved!

Blown Power Resistor

When an amplifier is overloaded, usually some transistors go short; their power resistors go open, and the fuse blows. The PBM8-500 MKII tends to also follow these classic symptoms.

"It's these Klingon crystals captain... they're completely drained."

Some of the Church volunteers took the amp for a party celebration and decided to connect some of their own speakers to it. They plugged the amp into a speaker array, causing an overload, however this is actually a very good amplifier considering it lasted for so many years taking the abuse.

Power Resistor Modification

Replacing the Power Resistors

In this amplifier, the large metal film leaded resistors have a 3-watt power rating; whilst the smaller ones connected to the MJE pair have a 2-watt power rating. Although similar replacements would work, I figured that I would need something meaner to rock the pillars of the Church; hence, I used 5-watt replacements. These resistors should be able to withstand the full volume output in total comfort.

This photograph shows one channel, however, I replaced the resistors on both channels, so that the power output was identical from both channels.

This Article Continues...

PBM8 500 MKII Inside Look
PBM8 500 MKII Diagnostic Logic
PBM8 500 MKII Fault Solved!
Power Resistor
Amplifier Heat Sink
Class AB Amplifier
How to Check Transistors
GCA5200T and GCA1943T Transistors
2SC5200 2SA1943 Transistor Replacement
PBM8 500 MKII Diagnostic LEDs
PBM8 500 MKII Power Supply